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Speech Recognition Turns Itself Off!

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Category: Windows™ Speech Recognition Forums
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Printed Date: 12/Mar/2025 at 3:17pm
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Topic: Speech Recognition Turns Itself Off!
Posted By: andy t
Subject: Speech Recognition Turns Itself Off!
Date Posted: 08/Jun/2009 at 8:09am

Hi, me again.

Something is happening with my speech recognition which did not happen before.

If the red button is pressed on my Buddy DesktopMic and the orange button is flashing (which means it is temporarily off and I cannot use it.) If it is left like that for a period of time, say for me to eat a sandwich and have a cup of coffee, the speech recognition will turn itself off completely on its own.  I do not mean “go to sleep”, I mean completely off!  I must stress that the Buddy DesktopMic is moved sometimes from my bed table and laid on the bed, could this be causing the problem?

If the microphone icon is clicked in the speech bar, this still will not turn it back on.  The only way it will work again is for me to shut down the computer completely and then turn it back on.

Also, sometimes, not always, if this happens and I start up the computer again, I get a warning message showing a “red circle with a white X” saying “speech recognition could not start”.  So I have to go all through the procedure of shutting down the computer again and start it back up again.  Then invariably it will work.

Has anybody got any idea what could cause this to happen?

andy t

Posted By: mmarkoe
Date Posted: 08/Jun/2009 at 10:36am
Originally posted by andy t andy t wrote:

If the red button is pressed on my Buddy DesktopMic and the orange button is flashing (which means it is temporarily off and I cannot use it.)
We understand your frustration.  It does sound as if somebody is accidentally touching the button or the button is being pressed as it is laid down. 
It also sounds as if when this happens that the USB connection as the default device is being lost.  That would explain why you need to reboot the computer so it is found as the default device.  The next time this happens, right click the speaker icon in the lower right taskbar next to the clock.  Choose Recording Devices, highlight Microphone USB audio device.  Then set as default.  Rerun the set up my microphone utility and you should be good to go.

Marty Markoe, MVP
Microsoft Valued Partner
See us at:

Posted By: andy t
Date Posted: 12/Jun/2009 at 11:32am

Quote It also sounds as if this happens that the USB connection as the default device is being lost.  That would explain why you need to reboot the computer so it is found as the default device.  The next time this happens, right click the speaker icon in the lower right taskbar next to the clock.  Choose Recording Devices, highlight Microphone USB audio device.  Then set as default.  Rerun the set up my microphone utility and you should be good to go.


I tried that Marty, chose recording devices, highlighted the microphone USB audio device being the Buddy DesktopMic, the default window was grayed out so I could not select it.  Any other ideas?  Why was the default window grayed out?  I did rerun the setup my microphone utility.


I was just wondering whether I should shut down my computer completely, pull the microphone USB connection out then put it back in again, start up the computer and try again.  What do you think?


andy t

Posted By: mmarkoe
Date Posted: 12/Jun/2009 at 7:36pm
Originally posted by andy t andy t wrote:

I was just wondering whether I should shut down my computer completely, pull the microphone USB connection out then put it back in again, start up the computer and try again.  What do you think?
Yes, try rebooting and try another USB port.


Marty Markoe, MVP
Microsoft Valued Partner
See us at:

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