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Open Speech Macros

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Topic: Open Speech Macros
Posted By: andy t
Subject: Open Speech Macros
Date Posted: 27/Sep/2009 at 4:36am


I have noticed that when I first start up my computer and after everything has loaded up on the system tray, if I want the usage of my 'Speech Macros', (so that they will work), I have to physically say 'Open speech macros'.  Then the speech macros icon will appear on the system tray and then and only then, they become operational.

What I would like to know; is there any way or configuration to make the speech macros icon, come up automatically on the system tray, so that it is there every time I start up my computer from the beginning, so if needing them, you do not have to keep loading the icon yourself?


andy t

Posted By: mmarkoe_admin
Date Posted: 27/Sep/2009 at 12:17pm
Originally posted by andy t andy t wrote:

What I would like to know; is there any way or configuration to make the speech macros icon, come up automatically on the system tray, so that it is there every time I start up my computer from the beginning, so if needing them, you do not have to keep loading the icon yourself.
Two ways to do this:
1. Put the WSR Macros program into the Start Menu. The WSRMacros file is at:
C:\Program Files\WSRMacros\WSRMacros.exe so put it in the Start folder at:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
2. When you start the - WSRToolkit , it starts WSRMacros.exe. You can therefore put the WSRToolkit in the Start Menu (see above) and it will start the WSRToolkit and WSRMacros on Startup.

Posted By: andy t
Date Posted: 28/Sep/2009 at 8:46am
Quote Two ways to do this:
1. Put the WSR Macros program into the Start Menu. The WSRMacros file is at:
C:\Program Files\WSRMacros\WSRMacros.exe so put it in the Start folder at:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
2. When you start the - WSRToolkit , it starts WSRMacros.exe. You can therefore put the WSRToolkit in the Start Menu (see above) and it will start the WSRToolkit and WSRMacros on Startup.



Okay, tried 1

I put the WSR Macros program into the start menu.  (Pin to start menu), I also added the program to  'Quick Launch'. (Add to Quick Launch).

I rebooted the computer again and the speech macros icon was still not there in the system tray (bottom right on the taskbar).

So I said the words 'Open Speech Macros' and then, the icon appeared.

Tried 2

I put the WSRToolkit on the start menu and I also added it to 'Quick Launch'. 

Rebooted the computer and the speech macros icon was still not there in the system tray. So I said the words 'Open Speech Macros' and then, the icon appeared.


So none of those two options worked.  What I would like is, when I boot up each time, the speech macros icon loads up on its own automatically in the system tray on the bottom, right hand side of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

So far, I still have to say the words 'Open Speech Macros' to make the icon appear and for the Macros' to work.


andy t

Posted By: russ
Date Posted: 28/Sep/2009 at 12:57pm

andy t,

How's your WSRing going? Pinning an icon to the Start menu or adding it to the quick launch toolbar only makes the program more convenient to access. It doesn't make the program start automatically.

If you follow these steps precisely, you should end up with WSR Macros starting automatically when you turn on your computer:

1. Say "Start menu," then "right-click WSR Macros."

A menu should appear for the WSR Macros icon.
2. Say "Copy."

3. Start Windows Explorer by saying "Start Windows Explorer."

4. In the address bar along the top of the Windows Explorer window, enter this path:


5. Press Enter.

You should now see the contents of the AppData folder. You have to use the address bar to access the AppData folder because it is normally invisible.

6. Now that you're in the AppData folder, keep opening folders along this path until you see the contents of the Startup folder:

        Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

The Startup folder might be empty, or it might contain icons for programs already set up to start automatically.

7. Say "press ALT-e" to open the Edit menu.

8. Say "paste shortcut" to choose this menu item from the Edit menu.

This places a shortcut item for WSR Macros in the Startup folder.

Now when you restart your computer, WSRMacros should start automatically.


Posted By: andy t
Date Posted: 29/Sep/2009 at 7:20am

Hi Russ, great to hear from you.



Quote How's your WSRing going?

Yes, quite well.  Learning lots but still have a lot to learn.

What about yourself?  You must be into programming now.

Thanks for those instructions, it worked a treat and my speech macros startup automatically now and show in the system tray.  I do not need to say the words, 'start speech macros' anymore.

I was just wondering, those instructions you gave could come in quite handy.  Do they work for any program?

Just out of interest, I have another niggling problem but it is not related to speech recognition at all.  I just wondered if you have an answer to this.

Just lately, every time I boot up, an ugly icon appears in the system tray, which is a green application icon with a red circle and a red diagonal line across the circle, which sits on the bottom left of the green application icon.

With that, a white balloon appears pointing to the icon, which reads: 'Windows has blocked some startup programs.

Windows blocks programs that require permission to run when Windows starts.  Click to view blocked programs.

The only program that shows up as blocked is my 'malwarebytes' program.  This I click to unblock every time the computer starts but it does not stop the icon and balloon coming up each time.

Have you had this problem at all?

Do you happen to know how I can stop the ugly icon and balloon coming up at startup each time I boot up?


andy t

Posted By: russ
Date Posted: 29/Sep/2009 at 7:39pm
andy t,
The startup technique that I described it should work for other applications as well.
Regarding your problems with malwarebytes: I'm not familiar with this program, but I did a quick search on their web site and could not come up with any obvious solution to the problem. There is a support forum at, though. You might be able to get a solution by posting your question there.
The forum is harder to find than it should be. Here is a link to it: -
Just today, Microsoft released a new, free security program, so if the one you're using continues to give you problems, you may want to check out the Microsoft offering. More information is available here: - Microsoft Security Essentials . I have not tried it yet, but I plan to.

Posted By: andy t
Date Posted: 28/Oct/2009 at 3:39pm
Quote Just today, Microsoft released a new, free security program, so if the one you're using continues to give you problems, you may want to check out the Microsoft offering. More information is available here: - Microsoft Security Essentials . I have not tried it yet, but I plan to.
Sorry for the late reply Russ.
Yes I downloaded MSE some time ago now and I uninstalled 'Malwarebytes' which was the cause of my problem.
If you have not tried it yet, I recommend it as being a nice bit of kit.
I know this has nothing to do with WSR, but I have put another question as a new topic which I would quite like the answers to.
andy t

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