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Disabling win 7 speech

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Category: Windows™ Speech Recognition Forums
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Printed Date: 28/Feb/2025 at 9:44pm
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Topic: Disabling win 7 speech
Posted By: JJ_RWATC
Subject: Disabling win 7 speech
Date Posted: 16/Nov/2009 at 4:37pm
Does anyone know how to stop windows 7 from interpretting voice commands when using applications that use WSR normally. Typical commads are move up/down and page up/down. They interfere with my application.
 I tried doing it with a macro, but win 7 ingores it.
Any suggestions ???

Posted By: russ
Date Posted: 17/Nov/2009 at 11:10am


You could try creating macros for the commands that are giving you trouble, programming them to do nothing, and then assigning them a very high priority so that they supersede the built-in commands.

Change the <command> line in your macro like this to include a priority:

<command priority="100">

Increasing the priority might cause your macro to be recognized ahead of the internal command. If memory serves, the number range can be from 0 (lowest priority) up to 127 (highest priority).

However, based on your previous post, if you are trying to work around a microphone that is picking up background noise like breathing and interpreting it as commands, you'd be better off solving the microphone problem.

Good luck!


Posted By: JJ_RWATC
Date Posted: 17/Nov/2009 at 6:49pm
Russ, thanks enormously for the help.  I have now managed to set up macros to disable the trouble keys triggering.
Using command priority as 127 it all works fine now.  Cheers mate

Posted By: russ
Date Posted: 17/Nov/2009 at 7:49pm
I'm glad it worked out, although I'd still ask Santa to kindly put a new microphone under the tree.

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