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WSR sluggish and slow

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Category: Windows™ Speech Recognition Forums
Forum Name: New Users & General Questions
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Printed Date: 05/Mar/2025 at 9:21am
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Topic: WSR sluggish and slow
Posted By: andy t
Subject: WSR sluggish and slow
Date Posted: 21/Aug/2010 at 9:36am

This question has puzzled me from the very first time I ever tried WSR. When I first started using it, and became quite proficient in it, I found it quite fast, especially on the commands side.

I know between every command you give, before you can say the next one, you have to wait for the revolving circle in the voice meter bar to disappear. Every now and then though, when I would first boot up, I would notice that the revolving circle was starting to take longer and longer to disappear before you could issue the next command, so making WSR sluggish and slow.

Then I would login at another time and computer updates had been added and then WSR seemed to be okay again and the revolving circle disappeared quite quickly in between each command. Then I would login on another day and the circle was back again taking its time. It seems at the moment though, on the machine I am using, this circle takes ages to disappear and it has been like this for months now!

Another quirk that is now happening on my machine from time to time, is that when I issue a command such as "MouseGrid" or "ShowNumbers", there is a significant delay before the command actually activates, possibly up to 10 seconds after the speech bar is showing "listening" ready for the next command.

Just yesterday, this was the heartbreaking thing. I went on my daughters laptop just to have a little dabble and try something out. I used WSR on this machine and it was amazingly fast and the revolving circle was disappearing almost immediately after every command I gave. That's how it used to be on my own machine.

Can anybody give me a solution to this or give an indication of what might be causing it to be so sluggish and slow?

Thank you

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