WSR Macro File Causes WSR Crash
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Category: Windows™ Speech Recognition Forums
Forum Name: Macros and Macro Development
Forum Description: WSR Macros, Tools, Files, and new Macro requests
Printed Date: 09/Mar/2025 at 1:59pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.02 -
Topic: WSR Macro File Causes WSR Crash
Posted By: russ
Subject: WSR Macro File Causes WSR Crash
Date Posted: 13/Jan/2014 at 11:06pm
I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem that has me stumped.
In a nutshell, I've got a new computer, and I've transferred an extensive set of WSR Macros from my old computer running Windows 7 to the new computer running Windows 8/8.1. I put about ten .wsrMac files into the SpeechMacros folder with no problems, but three .wsrMac files cause Windows Speech Recognition to crash with a "Speech Recognition has stopped working" error message.
I've uploaded one of the problem files here if you'd like to try it:
uploads/75/FirefoxChrome.wsrMac - FirefoxChrome.wsrMac <<Link doesn't work. See example and more details below.
This file of macros has worked fine for a long time on Windows 7, and I'm stumped as to why it's giving me problems on both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Any ideas? Thanks.
Posted By: mmarkoe_admin
Date Posted: 17/Jan/2014 at 2:34pm
Russ also posted his question on the Speech Computing forum. There are several posts there. If you wish to follow this on Speech Computing - CLICK HERE.
Posted By: russ
Date Posted: 06/Sep/2014 at 11:59am
Well, the forums on aren't there anymore, so I thought I might go ahead and re-document the problem here.
After some trial and error, I discovered that on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, WSR crashes when you attempt to create a WSR macro that has [itemOnScreen] inside of a <listenFor> statement. I have had to rework all of my macros to avoid using [itemOnScreen], which is a very useful capability of the WSR macro utility. I hope someday that Microsoft fixes this bug.
Here is a simple example of the problem. While in Internet Explorer, the macro below lets you say a link on a webpage followed by "in new window," and that link will be opened in a new window. Unfortunately, this no longer works.
<appIsInForeground processName="iexplore.exe"/>
<listenFor>[itemOnScreen] in new window</listenFor>
<waitFor seconds=".1"/>
<emulateRecognition>Shift click {[itemOnScreen]}</emulateRecognition>